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How to Deal with Wind When You Record

Wind can easily ruin an audio recording. Without the right protection, all the diaphragm picks up are deafening thumps that are unusable instead of what you wanted to record. This is what you need to make sure that wind doesn't interfere with any more of your takes:

#1 - Get a blimp if you have a "boom mic"

Condenser mics need blimps on them if you are outdoors. If you're on a film set, it's extremely likely that you'll be using this type of mic to capture your dialogue. You can also capture sound effects in the field with these mics, so there's no excuse not to get one. If it's really windy, put what's called a dead cat or dead wombat over the blimp (pictured above).

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#2 - Get windjammers for your lavaliers

Sometimes lavs that are under clothes have a natural protection from wind. However, if you're recording a documentary outdoors with the lav exposed, get a windsock or a windjammer. A windsock prevents plosives more than it actually blocks wind. You can field record ambiences or train passes with a stereo pair of lavs that has windjammers, too!

#3 - Get a windmuff for a recorder with built-in mics

Field recorders with built-in mics, such as the TASCAM DR-40 or Zoom H6, are great starter kits. However, they can rarely be used outside without a windmuff. Like with any piece of wind protection, make sure its dimensions are suitable for the gear that you own. The equipment out there is not one size fits all, and it can be a costly mistake to purchase the wrong one.

#4 - Secure your wind protection properly & scan for holes

Make sure any form of wind protection you use is tightly secured around your microphone. Any gap or loose part can interfere with getting a clean recording. Also, check your wind blockers for holes or tears before each use. You may be able to patch it up before your next outing, especially if you have what Ric Viers dubs an "oh s*** kit."

Wind Protection is Essential for Recording Audio Outside

Use these tips to prevent your next recording session from being ruined by anything from a breeze to a gust. Microphones are sensitive to any type of wind, so this gear is crucial for capturing clean recordings outdoors. If you want to skip these purchases and book a recordist to make your outdoor shoots go smoothly instead, contact me.


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